Adding a custom VQA model

This is a tutorial on how to add a custom VQA model into OpenVQA. Follow the steps below, you will obtain a model that can run across VQA/GQA/CLEVR datasets.

1. Preliminary

All implemented models are placed at <openvqa>/openvqa/models/, so the first thing to do is to create a folder there for your VQA model named by <YOU_MODEL_NAME>. After that, all your model related files will be placed in the folder <openvqa>/openvqa/models/<YOU_MODEL_NAME>/.

2. Dataset Adapter

Create a python file <openvqa>/openvqa/models/<YOU_MODEL_NAME>/ to bridge your model and different datasets. Different datasets have different input features, thus resulting in different operators to handle the features.


Input features (packed as feat_dict) for different datasets.


Customized pre-processed features to be fed into the model.

Adapter Template

from openvqa.core.base_dataset import BaseAdapter
class Adapter(BaseAdapter):
    def __init__(self, __C):
        super(Adapter, self).__init__(__C)
        self.__C = __C

    def vqa_init(self, __C):
    	# Your Implementation

    def gqa_init(self, __C):
    	# Your Implementation

    def clevr_init(self, __C):
    	# Your Implementation

    def vqa_forward(self, feat_dict):
    	# Your Implementation
    def gqa_forward(self, feat_dict):
    	# Your Implementation
    def clevr_forward(self, feat_dict):
    	# Your Implementation

Each dataset-specific initiation function def <dataset>_init(self, __C) corresponds to one feed-forward function def <dataset>_forward(self, feat_dict), your implementations should follow the principles torch.nn.Module.__init__() and torch.nn.Module.forward(), respectively.

The variable feat_dict consists of the input feature names for the datasets, which corresponds to the definitions in <openvqa>/openvqa/core/

	'FRCN_FEAT': buttom-up features -> [batchsize, num_bbox, 2048],
	'BBOX_FEAT': bbox coordinates -> [batchsize, num_bbox, 5],
	'FRCN_FEAT': official buttom-up features -> [batchsize, num_bbox, 2048],
	'BBOX_FEAT': official bbox coordinates -> [batchsize, num_bbox, 5],
	'GRID_FEAT': official resnet grid features -> [batchsize, num_grid, 2048],
	'GRID_FEAT': resnet grid features -> [batchsize, num_grid, 1024],

More detailed examples can be referred to the adapter for the MCAN model.

3. Definition of model hyper-parameters

Create a python file named <openvqa>/openvqa/models/<YOUR MODEL NAME>/

Configuration Template

from openvqa.core.base_cfgs import BaseCfgs
class Cfgs(BaseCfgs):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Cfgs, self).__init__()
        # Your Implementation

Only the variable you defined here can be used in the network. The variable value can be override in the running configuration file described later.


from openvqa.core.base_cfgs import BaseCfgs
class Cfgs(BaseCfgs):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Cfgs, self).__init__()
        self.LAYER = 6
class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, __C, pretrained_emb, token_size, answer_size):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.__C = __C
Output: 6

4. Main body

Create a python file for the main body of the model as <openvqa>/openvqa/models/<YOUR MODEL NAME>/ Note that the filename must be since this filename will be invoked by the running script. Except the file, other auxiliary model files invoked by can be named arbitrarily.

When implementation, you should pay attention to the following restrictions:

  • The main module should be named Net, i.e., class Net(nn.Module):
  • The init function has three input variables: pretrained_emb corresponds to the GloVe embedding features for the question; token_size corresponds to the number of all dataset words; answer_size corresponds to the number of classes for prediction.
  • The forward function has four input variables: frcn_feat, grid_feat, bbox_feat, ques_ix.
  • In the init function, you should initialize the Adapter which you’ve already defined above. In the forward function, you should feed frcn_feat, grid_feat, bbox_feat into the Adapter to obtain the processed image features.
  • Return a prediction tensor of size [batch_size, answer_size]. Note that no activation function like sigmoid or softmax is appended on the prediction. The activation has been designed for the prediction in the loss function outside.

Model Template

import torch.nn as nn
from openvqa.models.mcan.adapter import Adapter
class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, __C, pretrained_emb, token_size, answer_size):
    	super(Net, self).__init__()
    	self.__C = __C
		self.adapter = Adapter(__C)
   	def forward(self, frcn_feat, grid_feat, bbox_feat, ques_ix):
   		img_feat = self.adapter(frcn_feat, grid_feat, bbox_feat)
   		# model implementation
		return pred

5. Declaration of running configurations

Create a yml file at<openvqa>/configs/<dataset>/<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>.yml and define your hyper-parameters here. We suggest that <YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>= <YOUR_MODEL_NAME>. If you have the requirement to have one base model support the running scripts for different variants. (e.g., MFB and MFH), you can have different yml files (e.g., mfb.yml and mfh.yml) and use the MODEL_USE param in the yml file to specify the actual used model (i.e., mfb).


MODEL_USE: <YOUR MODEL NAME>  # Must be defined

Finally, to register the added model to the running script, you can modify <openvqa/> by adding your <YOUR_CONFIG_NAME> into the arguments for models here.

By doing all the steps above, you are able to use --MODEL=<YOUR_CONFIG_NAME> to train/val/test your model like other provided models. For more information about the usage of the running script, please refer to the Getting Started page.