
This page provides basic prerequisites to run OpenVQA, including the setups of hardware, software, and datasets.

Hardware & Software Setup

A machine with at least 1 GPU (>= 8GB), 20GB memory and 50GB free disk space is required. We strongly recommend to use a SSD drive to guarantee high-speed I/O.

The following packages are required to build the project correctly.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ wget -O en_vectors_web_lg-2.1.0.tar.gz
$ pip install en_vectors_web_lg-2.1.0.tar.gz

Dataset Setup

The following datasets should be prepared before running the experiments.

Note that if you only want to run experiments on one specific dataset, you can focus on the setup for that and skip the rest.


  • Image Features

The image features are extracted using the bottom-up-attention strategy, with each image being represented as an dynamic number (from 10 to 100) of 2048-D features. We store the features for each image in a .npz file. You can prepare the visual features by yourself or download the extracted features from OneDrive or BaiduYun. The downloaded files contains three files: train2014.tar.gz, val2014.tar.gz, and test2015.tar.gz, corresponding to the features of the train/val/test images for VQA-v2, respectively.

All the image feature files are unzipped and placed in the data/vqa/feats folder to form the following tree structure:

|-- data
	|-- vqa
	|  |-- feats
	|  |  |-- train2014
	|  |  |  |-- COCO_train2014_...jpg.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |-- val2014
	|  |  |  |-- COCO_val2014_...jpg.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |-- test2015
	|  |  |  |-- COCO_test2015_...jpg.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
  • QA Annotations

Download all the annotation json files for VQA-v2, including the train questions, val questions, test questions, train answers, and val answers.

In addition, we use the VQA samples from the Visual Genome to augment the training samples. We pre-processed these samples by two rules:

  1. Select the QA pairs with the corresponding images appear in the MS-COCO train and val splits;
  2. Select the QA pairs with the answer appear in the processed answer list (occurs more than 8 times in whole VQA-v2 answers).

We provide our processed vg questions and annotations files, you can download them from OneDrive or BaiduYun.

All the QA annotation files are unzipped and placed in the data/vqa/raw folder to form the following tree structure:

|-- data
	|-- vqa
	|  |-- raw
	|  |  |-- v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_train2014_questions.json
	|  |  |-- v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_val2014_questions.json
	|  |  |-- v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_test2015_questions.json
	|  |  |-- v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_test-dev2015_questions.json
	|  |  |-- v2_mscoco_train2014_annotations.json
	|  |  |-- v2_mscoco_val2014_annotations.json
	|  |  |-- VG_questions.json
	|  |  |-- VG_annotations.json


  • Image Features

Download the spatial features and object features for GQA from its official website. Spatial Features Files include gqa_spatial_*.h5 and gqa_spatial_info.json. Object Features Files include gqa_objects_*.h5 and gqa_objects_info.json.To make the input features consistent with those for VQA-v2, we provide a script to transform .h5 feature files into multiple .npz files, with each file corresponding to one image.

$ cd data/gqa

$ unzip
$ python --mode=spatial --spatial_dir=./spatialFeatures --out_dir=./feats/gqa-grid
$ rm -r ./spatialFeatures

$ unzip
$ python --mode=object --object_dir=./objectFeatures --out_dir=./feats/gqa-frcn
$ rm -r ./objectFeatures

All the processed feature files are placed in the data/gqa/feats folder to form the following tree structure:

|-- data
	|-- gqa
	|  |-- feats
	|  |  |-- gqa-frcn
	|  |  |  |-- 1.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |-- gqa-grid
	|  |  |  |-- 1.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
  • Questions and Scene Graphs

Download all the GQA QA files from the official site, including all the splits needed for training, validation and testing. Download the scene graphs files for train and val splits from the official site. Download the supporting files from the official site, including the train and val choices supporting files for the evaluation.

All the question files and scene graph files are unzipped and placed in the data/gqa/raw folder to form the following tree structure:

|-- data
	|-- gqa
	|  |-- raw
	|  |  |-- questions1.2
	|  |  |  |-- train_all_questions
	|  |  |  |  |-- train_all_questions_0.json
	|  |  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |  |  |-- train_all_questions_9.json
	|  |  |  |-- train_balanced_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- val_all_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- val_balanced_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- testdev_all_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- testdev_balanced_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- test_all_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- test_balanced_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- challenge_all_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- challenge_balanced_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- submission_all_questions.json
	|  |  |-- eval
	|  |  |  |-- train_choices
	|  |  |  |  |-- train_all_questions_0.json
	|  |  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |  |  |-- train_all_questions_9.json
	|  |  |  |-- val_choices.json
	|  |  |-- sceneGraphs
	|  |  |  |-- train_sceneGraphs.json
	|  |  |  |-- val_sceneGraphs.json


  • Images, Questions and Scene Graphs

Download all the CLEVR v1.0 from the official site, including all the splits needed for training, validation and testing.

All the image files, question files and scene graph files are unzipped and placed in the data/clevr/raw folder to form the following tree structure:

|-- data
	|-- clevr
	|  |-- raw
	|  |  |-- images
	|  |  |  |-- train
	|  |  |  |  |-- CLEVR_train_000000.json
	|  |  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |  |  |-- CLEVR_train_069999.json
	|  |  |  |-- val
	|  |  |  |  |-- CLEVR_val_000000.json
	|  |  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |  |  |-- CLEVR_val_014999.json
	|  |  |  |-- test
	|  |  |  |  |-- CLEVR_test_000000.json
	|  |  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |  |  |-- CLEVR_test_014999.json
	|  |  |-- questions
	|  |  |  |-- CLEVR_train_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- CLEVR_val_questions.json
	|  |  |  |-- CLEVR_test_questions.json
	|  |  |-- scenes
	|  |  |  |-- CLEVR_train_scenes.json
	|  |  |  |-- CLEVR_val_scenes.json
  • Image Features

To make the input features consistent with those for VQA-v2, we provide a script to extract image features using a pre-trained ResNet-101 model like most previous works did and generate .h5 files, with each file corresponding to one image.

$ cd data/clevr

$ python --mode=all --gpu=0

All the processed feature files are placed in the data/clevr/feats folder to form the following tree structure:

|-- data
	|-- clevr
	|  |-- feats
	|  |  |-- train
	|  |  |  |-- 1.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |-- val
	|  |  |  |-- 1.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...
	|  |  |-- test
	|  |  |  |-- 1.npz
	|  |  |  |-- ...